Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Professional Blogger Hangs Up the Ol' Mouse

Blogging is an entertaining occasional hobby, but it seems to me that the role of Professional Blogger is still very much a work in progress. Long term, will topical writers professionalize this funny medium?

Andrew Sullivan, whom I consider one of the more insightful professional bloggers, announced his retirement from daily blogging yesterday, after more than 4 1/2 years at the keyboard. Rest well, Andrew.

I feel like I blog at a sustainable pace. I wonder how many bloggers out there feel like they're blogging at an unsustainable pace?

1 comment:

Andy said...

Another day, another political blogger stops regularly blogging, seemingly exhausted by his/her own effort.

I'm starting to think that weekly syndicated columnists have a thing or two to teach bloggers about the pace of sustainable regular writing.