Kids These Days
I like blogging (yesterday's social media), but like Garfield, I find aspects of the current generation of social media – namely, Facebook & Twitter – to be baffling.
I have a Facebook profile, for despite its many faults, it's a great way of keeping a persistent contact list updated by your contacts. They change their email addresses, etc. so you don't have to.
The problem with Facebook is that it infantilizes adults. No, I don't want to be a zombie, or a pirate, or learn what Smurf I am, or play fake Scrabble with you. I'm 31. I have a baby. It just ain't worth my time.
Twitter's another matter entirely. I created a Twitter account for this blog weeks ago, but never bothered to update it because, well, Twitter is pointless. Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that broadcasts your status to people who care. This is a gigantic waste of time & attention.
Steph apparently discovered Twittering this morning. Her initial reaction sums up my feelings almost exactly:
If you'd like something slightly more interesting on your Facebook profile, try Evarium, an animated simulation of evolution by sexual selection. To install it, visit
or see the one on David's profile.
Evarium is currently in "private alpha", meaning I've only told a few friends about it. I plan to add some things to it and launch it more publicly later this month.
Probably my fault. Sorry. My brain farts gotta go somewhere. :)
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