Cross Yourself at the Mention of this Unholy Name
Yesterday, Karl Rove came out of his underground lair to tell the world that Democrats don't understand this post-9/11 world. Actually, he had the audacity to come to New York City and deliver this message to a Republican cloister in the heart of Manhattan.
(An aside: Ah, the courage it must take to stand up to your critics like that. I gotta tell you, I'm really impressed with how the current administration restricts access at their speaking engagements. Heaven forbid they ever enter a truly public forum.)
After his goulish appearance on the otherwise forgettable American Dad, I've decided to (quite belatedly) take Christopher Hitchens' advice:
From this point forward, I'll be making the Sign of the cross after mentioning Karl Rove's unholy name. I advise you to do the same. Y'know, just to be safe.